Friday, July 13, 2007

Unexpected Fun

Today was a pretty fun day. This whole week my parents have been out of town, my sister moved to Fairfax, and my brother worked day shift while I worked night shift. All my friends also work day shift and two are in running camp so I haven't hung out with anyone really except myself. It's kind of nice to have that once in a while but I don't think I could live like that, I like people too much. So today was the first time I got to hang out with my brother all week so we went to go see this movie, on the right, because we had heard so much about it and we weren't paying for it (my mom left us money for the movie and lunch). So we went to the movie and ate at Red Robin afterwards where we always go....I guess it's a thing my brother and I have. This movie wasn't too bad. When I first heard that it was coming out I had no interest at all in seeing it and thought it was completely stupid. This just shows you how wrong first impressions can be. This movie, other than Ratatouille, was the best movie I've seen all summer. Spiderman 3 and Pirates 3 were both entertaining but completely underdeveloped, random, and disappointments especially with all the hype that this movies got. This movie, however, had a developed story so you know what's going on and is pretty action packed which is always fun. There are some political jokes scattered around but not to many to be offended by and there are some funny spots. There are a few lame lines in it and "I'm too cool for school" scenes but all in all it's very fun and entertaining. Also, this movie is the leading box office holder and apparently did better than both Spiderman 3 and Pirates 3. Pretty interesting. So if you have a few bucks and you have nothing to do, go see it. You'll have fun with it. Later