Wednesday, July 18, 2007


One word: Ecstasy. No, not the drug. The rapturous delight you will receive when you eat this cake. Take one bite and you will be transported to a state of sudden emotion; of sudden exaltation and intense feeling. Basically, it is really, really good. And I'm making it today so I can eat it. Overall I have been cooking a lot, mostly desserts and breakfast foods. I did make dinner for my brother and I because my rents were out of town so I made some simply spaghetti. I started boiling the water and opened the spaghetti box and left it on the counter. Being the clever person I am I turn to get something and knock the whole box of uncooked spaghetti noodles all over the kitchen floor which is dirty. Being the conservative person I am I decided not to waste such a great amount of food and figured the hot, boiling water would kill all the germs so I scoop up all the noodles and throw it into the pot. I cook everything fine and the sauce was made without a problem and I served it to my brother who starts eating it and well, surprise!! There's tons of hairs and other junk from the floor in his spaghetti. He later jokes that our house isn't Wendy's and that I shouldn't use the same, hmm, technique I do at Wendy's at home. Mine was fine, I didn't find one hair or anything...whatever. I'm a really good cook, I promise, when it comes to desserts, breads, and breakfasts foods. So I'm making my cake today because I want to eat it. When I annouced my plans, which I have to do in my Mom's kitchen, my dad got really excited ( he'll eat anything I'll make, helps my self-esteem ;) Hopefully there will be some leftovers for the Guest I'm having this weekend but that will be cutting it really close: this thing goes real fast. Alright, I'm off to make it. You should make one too; it's really good. Oh definitely cook to some good music otherwise it won't be as fun. I got some new music from my sister some include Shimmer- Fuel, Flagpole Sitta-Harvey Danger, The Kids Aren't Alright- The Offspring and Dave Matthews Band, is always fun to cook to, which are all upbeat and good cooking music. Give it a go.