Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Two Face

Ah the Two Face. The Infamous villain of Batman with literally two faces and a copper coin. The Two Face, or I should say, Harvey Dent was the youngest law attorney to ever serve Gotham City. During one trail against a notorious crime lord, Sal "Boss" Maroni, he presented the court with Maroni's two-headed coin with Maroni's fingerprints on it; irrevocably evidence for Maroni's imminent doom. Thus, Maroni in his rage threw a bottle of sulfuric acid onto Dents left hand and the left side of his face. Due to his hideous appearance he scratched one side of the two headed coin and has flipped this coin to decide if he will work for evil or for good. I like how it takes a coin flip toss to decide if he will work for good or evil; he doesn't seem to have very strong beliefs if that is the case.
So Why Batman? Well, I'm not really a Batman fan. I do put him above Superman but below Spiderman in ranking of my favorite Superheros. So Two Face, probably know where this is going. Yup, two face people in the modern world today. I've had several conversations with people about their interaction with two face people; people who claim to be one way in a setting and completely different in another or says one thing that they believe and turns around and does the opposite. I will label such persons as morphers; someone who morphs according the setting around them. Now it seems to me that morphers morph between settings and people because the beliefs they supposedly believe in aren't strong enough for them to act accordingly to those beliefs. Or they really don't believe in it and that's why they act the opposite. These morphers, or two face people or fake (i'm going to include gossiping in this cuz that is the main activity of morphers), hurt a lot of people that they interact with. Some do it meaningfully and others do it with out knowing. Now the biggest example I can see for morphers are sadly some Christians at least those are the ones I have come to know, pretty well. I think such fakeness is disgusting and pathetic and it hurts those you are fake too. Because believe it or not they might just like you for who you are. But that's a wee risk you have to take with any friendship and oh man, if you try to be fake in a deep dating relationship God help you. That is the worst time to be fake. Now I can understand where being a morpher comes from, you're afraid of being rejected, you want to be accepted, you want to have friends or be liked or whatever. But as a Christian none of those things should hold true. Why? Because the God does not reject you, accepts you for who you are, is the best "friend" you could ever have and not only loves you but likes you a ton! More than any one you know. So just be yourself. Stand up for what you believe in. Don't go live a double standard life because that hurts people and turns them away from such good communities like IV and Church. Now everyone is a hypocrite sometime in their lives but to be one ALL the time is unacceptable. That is one thing that I want to try and root out of IV that and gossip which is a HUGE problem in IV which is downright pathetic and abhorrent. How are new IVers going to feel when they see some people gossiping about other people in IV or see people being fake to one another? Their going to walk right out the door without even giving the real purpose of IV a chance, the real gift that IV can provide: community. Real community, now it doesn't have to be everyone in IV, it could be like 3 people or so, which is like me, but real community. That is why I like IV so much, that is why I still continue to participate in it and do activities like chuck fruit chews at kids with flyers on them ;) Because I want them to find the community that I found and still have, at IV. And being fake or a morpher will definitely turn people away from that, not just freshmen but even seniors and I'm not down with that. But I try to see past the fakeness and see what is driving them to morph. Can I change them? No, I believe only God can do that, but I can help them or at least be the change that I want to see. In otherwise not be fake, nor gossip.

Tonight is IV's first night of the year or I should say CRASH. Last night we went to the area right outside Webb and did some propaganda. I would have to say that if you see a Big COME CRASH WITH IV, that would be by me. Yeah, I know, perfection at its greatest. Naw, I'm just joshing with ya, cuz if i was serious I would be fake.