Thursday, August 30, 2007

Angels vs. Animals




I finished a book last week called SEX GOD and it's all about PORN! Just kidding, it's about relationships with each other and what God intended for those relationships. It mainly focuses of dating relationships and marriage but does through in some friend ones from time to time. Probably not the most appropriate book for me read currently being neither in a dating relationship nor married but it gave some great perspectives on such material and I just liked what it had to say. I think one of the biggest chapters that stuck out to me was this one. Angels versus Animals. I'll do my best to sum it up but if you want a better explanation check the book out.
So in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In the heavens were angels. God created angels first. The God created the earth with a suitable habitat so life could live. So God created animals. First angels, then animals. Then God created Adam. Then of course Eve. The point to see is that God created angels, animals, and humans all differently, not the same, not for one to become like the other but for each group to be what they were created to be.


Angels are souls with no bodies, well as this book describes. Angels are all spiritual with no physical/sexual; all soul with no body. Angels can't indulge in physical pleasures such as affection, touch, sex, eating, etc because they have no body.

Animals are all body with no soul. Animals are all physical/sexual with no soul; all soul no body. Animals can't indulge in spiritual pleasures of salvation, prayer, relationships, love, worship, etc.

Humans are bodies with souls; souls housed in bodies. Humans are spiritual and sexual able to have a relationship with God and enjoy the pleasures of the body; pleasures that God gave to humans. Pleasures that have been taken out of context, taken advantage of, and that have been obsessively abused.

See here's the problem in the world today. Humans are either trying to be animals or angels. Their are a lot who are trying to be human, but the majority of the world and especially our culture are trying to be animals, with a majority of Christians trying to be angels.

What does it look like for a human to be an animal? Well, when they have no spirituality, no relationship with God and seek only the pleasures of the body whether it be sex, eating,drinking, whatever. When we only focus on the physical aspect of life, the sexual aspect of life we are trying to be animals that only eat, sleep, and reproduce. We hear several of these phrases like "He's such a sex animal" or "She's a drinking machine" whatever. We were created for more than that. Not to be animals but to be human; to not only focus on the sexual aspect of life but also the spiritual.
Trying to be an angel is the opposite. These are Christians that only focus on the spiritual and to not indulge in any of the physical gifts from God. These are people that won't ever kiss anyone unless it is their spouse, afraid of touch and affection, afraid to be physically close or do anything physical even if it is a kiss on a check to a friend on their wedding night. This extreme is just as harmful as the animal extreme and again, humans were not created for this. We're not angels, we're humans with both the spiritual and physical.
The funny thing is that the thing that is considered a sin the animal extreme, when people seek out physical pleasures only such as sex before marriage, drinking alcohol, eating gluttonously, being lazy and doing nothing all the time, etc. This is what the generally opinion of the church thinks is sinful. It is but they are also missing the other extreme, the angel extreme which is just as sinful, just as destructive, just as harmful. You barely hear any sermons about that; about how avoiding physical affection in a relationship will definitely cause a division and ultimately harm and how it is sinful. Why is it sinful? Because we weren't created to be angels nor animals, but to be human. To have a relationship with God and with each other and to enjoy the physical gifts that God has given when God intended them to happen for instance to have sex when married. For I believe that when you're in a dating relationship or married it is the physical/sexual pleasures that shows and celebrates the spiritual, the relationship. But that's just me, the book it's interesting, I didn't agree with everything in it but thought this chapter was pretty interesting and right on.