Sunday, July 29, 2007


This past weekend I went to Norfolk with some old track guys to move some stuff into the house and for them to go to Busch Gardens and the Beach since two of them have never been to Busch, the other two last went a long time ago and all four of them rarely ever get to go to Busch or the beach. So I offered my house for them to stay in so we could go to both. Anyways, that story will be for another blog, on the way back I was leading our caravan of two cars on 81 south. I was just crossing the summit of a hill and going down it when I notice on my left a car just parked on the "Authorized vehicles" driveway thing and I made eye contact with the guy inside who just stared as I passed. Yup, you guessed it, uncover cop. Two seconds later I see him pull out, put on his lights and pursues me. By that time the car following me moved over to the right lane, as did I, hoping beyond belief the officer was going for the guy ahead of me but knew deep down that I was screwed. Yup, he caught up so I pull over and he does the whole get the hat on, walks over and asks why I was going 79 on a 65 highway. Then the procedure started with the whole license taking and report filing and ticket handing. He was very nice and joked around a bit and made it quick which I was grateful for. That and for not giving me reckless when I really was going around 81 not 79.

I deserve it, no doubt about that. Honestly, my driving was getting out of hand anyways, usually going 80+ on highways while driving long distances. Ask Andrew and Doug how fast I was going while driving to Rockbridge, they'll tell you it was ridicules. Oh and I had become one of the very people that I had laughed at while driving up to Norfolk, you know the ones that speed really fast and then you see them pulled over. Yup, that is me now. Now you're probably thinking what are you whining about? So what, you got a ticket, no big deal. You pansy, just suck it up. Well if you thought those things, thanks..sorry I'm not as "tough"as you. Yeah, call me pansy, so what, it sucked, i was shaken up a bit, got screamed at when i got home and now might lose the car for good due to parental discipline which would then screw up everything at school and a job and that crap and paying for car insurance. So it is a big deal to me plus, it's my first one. Now I can compare my ticket with my sisters' tickets although Kelly has me beat big time. But what was cool that happened was the reaction of the friends. Stephen and Matt were in the car with me and we just joked the whole time afterwards about it and what could have happened or funny things to say to the officer and stuff like that which lighten the mood a lot and made the ride home very enjoyable. The other thing was the other car that was following me saw that I got pulled over and kept going. Well, Nate called and asked how I was doing and asked how it went and advice on how to drop it by taking some class, which was really comforting. Now I'm not really close to these guys, never thought I would see them again after high school and honestly, sometimes, had no interest too. It was just cool how they reacted to it. Made me feel a lot better and get prepared for the hell at home. This weekend was really fun which I'll cover in the next blog because I realized something while hanging out with them that really has me thoughtful or unsettled but anyways, that was the event of the evening. I'm a terrible driver, almost got into two accidents this weekend, one which would have killed my friends but more on that later....I'm tired and need to pray, big time.