Saturday, August 18, 2007
T.U.L.I.P. , The Five Points of Calvinistic Faith
TULIP, the mnemonic for Calvinistic faith.
T= Total Depravity
U= Unconditional Election
L= Limited Atonement
I= Irresistible Grace
P= Perseverance of the Saints
T = Total Depravity which is essentially original sin. Because of the fall of man everyone is enslaved to sin, can not love God with all of their whole mind, heart, and strength, unable to choose to accept salvation. For Calvinistic theology this leads straight into point number two, Unconditional Election because people can not choose God, God has to predestine who will be saved and who will not be. Supporting Passages: Genesis 6:5, Ecclesiastes 9:3, John 3:19
U= Unconditional Election
Before the dawn of time God choose to save some people for His own purposes and not based on any conditions such as merit or faith of those persons. This is linked to predestination with some being predestined to be saved whom will receive mercy while those not chosen to be saved with receive justice. Calvinists do not who are apart of the elect and for all they know God could have elected everyone, thus: they seek to do missions and to work on God's behalf to "find" more of the elect. Supporting Passages: John 15:16, Romans 9:15-16, Ephesians 1:11
L= Limited Atonement
Jesus died for sins of the elect by replacing himself in man's stead. Since it would be unjust for God to save some people from their sins and then condemn them for those sins, those who are atoned must be saved and since God has elected those whom will be saved Jesus died for those who were chosen to be saved. The atonement however is not limited in its power to vanquish all sin but that is was designed for some and not for all.
I= Irresistible Grace
The Holy Spirit will overcome any resistance and make God's will and influence effective and irresistible. The "saving grace of God" is applied to the elect, overcoming all resistance to making them obey the call of the gospel and a faith in Christ that will bring about salvation. Those who seek salvation do not do so by their own free will but because of the "sovereign discriminating grace of God. Supporting Passages: Romans 8:28,30
P= Perseverance of the Saints
"Once saved, Always saved". Those who are truly saved will never fall away from God but if they do then they were never truly saved in the first place. Supporting passages: John10:28-29, Romans 11:29, Romans 5:9-10
If I could give a summary it would be something like this: God chose who would be saved and Christ died to save only them and because they are truly saved they will never fall away and will submit to God's calling without resistance. To me, this theology emphasizes God's power, glory, and sovereignty and less of his love, mercy, and grace. This theology also undermines God's choice to give humankind freewill. Finally this theology is based on absolutes with no gray area allowed which results, as I've been told, to a more "freeing and less guilty" kind of faith. But if misunderstood can lead to a very lazy faith.
Now I believe that not one theology has it all right nor is complete because we have to remember that we are imperfect beings trying to comprehend the perfect Being through categories and theologies that He does not fit in and far surpasses. However, that is how we work and understand through categories so such theologies and categories are necessary for us to try and understand. For that is what we are trying to do, understand, for we will never truly understand God and Jesus until the day we meet Them.
As I've said I've been doing a lot of this theology searching this summer and quite frankly I'm downright frustrated with it all and just want to give up but some reason I feel I need to go through with this, don't know why. I get frustrated because I feel like I have to fit my beliefs, which is my prespective on God and Christ, into these categorized theologies whether it be Calvinism, Arminianism, Methodism, Baptist-ism, etc. and I feel like I have to agree with other people's beliefs whether it be my family to friends I feel like if I disagree they'll disown me forever; yeah, I know stupid fear but it's there and reading articles that say the church you grew up in is heresy and wayward doesn't help either. So I'll be writing another article on Arminianism which is most of what Methodism comes from which is the church I grew up in and finally I will write one more where I list what i agree and disagree with from these theologies and what I've come to believe in my experience with Christ and God and what my faith has turned out to be based on what God has revealed to me. I'm not really doing this for you but more for me, to get some kind of clarity on what I believe, why I believe it, and is it based on biblical passages. It's more of 'let me write it down so I can get all straightened out' because it is just eating me up inside and making me really frustrated at myself and at God for just not making it clear. I would love to hear what you think so feel free to leave comments or just talk to me in person about it but I won't be surprised if both don't happen. Happy Hunting!
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