Monday, September 3, 2007

Anger Management

So I played kickball today, showed up an hour late cuz I was at my sister's house and didn't leave til late, but showed up in enough time to play at least a half hour worth. It was pretty fun; haven't played kickball in a long time and didn't do to well but still it was a good time. There was just one "drama" incident that I wish was avoided but it happened and you gotta just move on. A kick was made and it went through the trees and a person on my team caught it and everyone ran in as it was the third out. However, the whole game they had been playing that if it did go through the trees and was caught it would not be counted at a catch. I was not there when the rule were laid which explains what I said. So the kicker gets extremely upset, very angry, like this guy in the picture except extremely verbal. And he's been known to do so, well that is the number one thing is known for: his extreme temper. So the story continues with him yelling obscenities and making sarcastic/a-hole comments which I reacted to. So then we kind of yell at each other and he leaves feeling pissed and very angry. Kind of like a small child would do when he or she would not get their own way; pouting and storming off. Granted I should not have said what I said knowing how he gets, even though in my opinion it wasn't anything offensive nor obscene, but was taken as that and thus, nothing was solved and now I'm known to be a complete jerk and a-hole in this kid's opinion. But I'm going to have to apologize to him later on the field for I will definitely be seeing him weekly and that's not a good image of a Christian either.

Gym was closed that was a bummer but I got a great run in so that was a good overcompensater. Hmm what else did I do this weekend, CTF which was a complete success considering numbers; about 70-80 people showed up but unfortunately that made game play extremely hectic and confusing and no fun at all being the one having to tell everyone on my team the rules and not to break the rules and people cheating and getting frustrated and crap like that. But next time will definitely have to be smaller like 20-30 which will be a great look for announcements. Played Resistance on Co-op for the first time and wasn't as bad as I was against seasoned veterans who like to pray on kids that have never played before but it was a ton fun and being video game/tv withdrawal made it more fun than it would be usually. Sunday was Busch day with the family and then today. So I guess that's it uh, just filling up space now and I'm out. gotta cook me some dinner.