Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

The title of this blog is the "slogan" for the Methodist church although if you came to the church I go to here you probably would not think that. But like any other church it has its flaws but is still doing great works for God, still bringing people closer to God, and God is definitely working through it. It's interesting how He chooses to use the most messed up of people to do His work like Mary Magdalene or Saul who becomes Paul. I had lunch with my pastor again yesterday and have you ever had that feeling of dread like you don't want to go because it'll be awkward or you won't have anything to say? Well, I was feeling that and was just like we're not going to have anything to talk on the way I was trying to think of conversations to start so we won't be sitting in silence. Word of advice, don't do that. Never works. So I get to his office and I ask him where we're are going to lunch and he says Wendy's with the most serious look on his face. I guess you have to know him but he's pretty sarcastic and jokes around a lot but in a subtle way so if you're not paying attention you won't get it. After that introduction I knew that this was right where I needed to be and right where I wanted to be and all feelings of dread and fear were gone. It's interesting how God works right in midst of our own fears and doubts when we doubt ourselves He doesn't doubt what we can do for Him. So lunch commences and we start talking about everyday life stuff and joking around. Then we get into deep theology conversation discussing about God as He is described in the Greek philosophical categories and how dangerous that can be if all we do is think God is what those categories describe instead of thinking that God is those things but so much more than that. The conversation includes freewill and how that ties in with God being all-knowing and what that looks like, different theologies of different demoninations, some sermons he wrote and tons of other stuff. I learned a lot from that talk and some questions that I had about God that were getting me kind of frustrated I am now thinking about with another's perspective, what makes sense and what I believe. I would love to talk to you about this in more detail as a blog can't contain the content of what we talked about nor the emotion that comes with it. So lunch ends and we go back to his office and he prays for me and gave me some of the nicest compliments I have ever heard especially coming from some one who is so much older than me and who is my pastor. I think I'll remember that afternoon for a long time. After talking to him always gets me fired up to read some scripture and dive into theology; the trick for me is to be just as fired up by myself. Just when you think you know all there is to know about God, He throws a curve ball and surprises the heck out of you. It's dangerous thinking to think that your faith is great where it is and doesn't need to grow anymore. Here is a question for you, does God know what is going to happen to you in say 15 years from now? hmmm.......

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