Saturday, August 4, 2007

Work Ethic

It seems very people at Wendy's have any work ethic at all. Usually I don't care but when I have to be called in several times a week on my days off because people decided they didn't want to show up for work with no call or indication they weren't going to show up, I get a little irritated and rightly so. I could just easily say I'm unavailable to work or just not answer the phone when they call, like everyone else does (my brother included) but I can't leave them stranded when their short like 5 people and need help desperately. today was one of those works days I got called in to work because decided not to show up. Oh well, I can use the pay in overtime. But come on. This is your job. You get payed to do crap that is really physically demanding, although it is plenty draining, so grow up stop having a terrible, childish attitude and do your job. I mean I try to give my 100% at work because that is what I'm being payed for: doing my job at the best of my abilities. Granted it's only Wendy's but still, it's a job that needs to be done. If not how can hundreds of obese people feed? They would go hungry and lose some weight (God forbid!). Or they would have to cook their own meals for once. NOt that!!!! DISASTER!! Oh well, hopefully they can learn some more work ethic and do a better job and stop having people covering for them because they're lazy. That is a hope I have. Plus, I be better prepared when I have a better job to not slack off ever. There's a plus. Now for some Potter....

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