Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Office

Great show. A bunch of friends watch the Office on Thursday nights which got me interested in it. Andrew had all three past seasons so I've been catching up on my office for the past two weeks now. I'm on the third disc in the third season so I've been making great progress to catch up. Half the show is improvised which makes it extremely funny with awkward moments and sayings occurring throughout the show. A short rundown is that Michael, guy sitting down, is the boss who says the worst thing at the worst time everyday, doesn't know when to shut up, an arrogant chump who has serious friend issues. Then, from left to right, Dwight (Michael's best friend and henchman), Pam, Jim, and Ryan the intern.
Pam and Jim have an interesting story in this show. Both of them play incredible pranks on Dwight which drives Dwight crazy and if you didn't know Dwight you would feel sorry for him but he's the biggest a-hole in the world so these pranks are quite justified......sort of. Pam and Jim are, hmm I guess, the love story with Jim liking Pam but Pam's engaged but secretly likes and so on, well there is one between Dwight and Angela but that's just freaking weird. Of course very funny weird, but weird nonetheless. It's a good show.

Part 2 of this post is about a great conversation with Shane yesterday. Been having those kinds of conversations a lot lately. But this one was kind of about finances....more of how I think and worry too much about it. And it's true....I do worry about it too much. My own family has said the same thing over and over again. The truth of the matter? I don't trust God with this. I really don't, I don't trust that He will take care of me in this aspect of my life. I don't know why I am like this but I hate it. I hate not trusting God with this. This is good though that I'm thinking about this. I need to let go of it and maybe, just spend the rest of the week not thinking about it at all. (Not saying I'm going to go out and buy anything that I want or won't think about going out to eat when I can eat at home), but more along the lines of I know I'm going to make ends meet the rest of the year so I'm going to stop worrying about it.

-Last night I got invited to go visit the Barnetts over spring break, just a 300 dollar plane ticket......and I love Cali......hahahaha this is great timing :)

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