Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Beach Trip

This past weekend was awesome! The work week is not so much but Jonathan is closing tonight and when he closes it's a lot more fun, him and CJ make work fun...or at least tolerable. So that's a good thing. It's weird how some people you act differently around; you act more yourself around certain people than others. I guess that has to do with how comfortable you are with those certain people and how well you know them or you're just a two-face, double standard, butt hole liar but I don't think so. I just think or know from personal experience that some friends you don't have to put up any walls and you can just be yourself while others you have to put up some walls in certain aspects of you life because, God forbid, that they see who you really are and reject you. Rejection is bad and should be avoided at all costs. Or should it? Or should we just not care what others think about us and just be the person that God has created us to be and be rejected left and right? hmmm....

So I'm going to Norfolk for the weekend. The plan is to go to Busch and the Beach since these guys never get to do either and so I was like, hey I have a house just bring food money and gas money and we'll go. So it's good for though, not really looking forward to it. Why? one of my friends invited some of his friends who I know but don't necessarily "enjoy" to be around but it will be fun for them so that's good. oh, and me, I always enjoy going to Busch gardens.

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