Friday, August 31, 2007

Capture the Flag


O S I !

*Bored after class you will get you the above, wish I had a mac so it would look cooler and look like the picture but then I would never get anything done cuz I'd be playing on it all the time. Heck yes for CTF!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Angels vs. Animals




I finished a book last week called SEX GOD and it's all about PORN! Just kidding, it's about relationships with each other and what God intended for those relationships. It mainly focuses of dating relationships and marriage but does through in some friend ones from time to time. Probably not the most appropriate book for me read currently being neither in a dating relationship nor married but it gave some great perspectives on such material and I just liked what it had to say. I think one of the biggest chapters that stuck out to me was this one. Angels versus Animals. I'll do my best to sum it up but if you want a better explanation check the book out.
So in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In the heavens were angels. God created angels first. The God created the earth with a suitable habitat so life could live. So God created animals. First angels, then animals. Then God created Adam. Then of course Eve. The point to see is that God created angels, animals, and humans all differently, not the same, not for one to become like the other but for each group to be what they were created to be.


Angels are souls with no bodies, well as this book describes. Angels are all spiritual with no physical/sexual; all soul with no body. Angels can't indulge in physical pleasures such as affection, touch, sex, eating, etc because they have no body.

Animals are all body with no soul. Animals are all physical/sexual with no soul; all soul no body. Animals can't indulge in spiritual pleasures of salvation, prayer, relationships, love, worship, etc.

Humans are bodies with souls; souls housed in bodies. Humans are spiritual and sexual able to have a relationship with God and enjoy the pleasures of the body; pleasures that God gave to humans. Pleasures that have been taken out of context, taken advantage of, and that have been obsessively abused.

See here's the problem in the world today. Humans are either trying to be animals or angels. Their are a lot who are trying to be human, but the majority of the world and especially our culture are trying to be animals, with a majority of Christians trying to be angels.

What does it look like for a human to be an animal? Well, when they have no spirituality, no relationship with God and seek only the pleasures of the body whether it be sex, eating,drinking, whatever. When we only focus on the physical aspect of life, the sexual aspect of life we are trying to be animals that only eat, sleep, and reproduce. We hear several of these phrases like "He's such a sex animal" or "She's a drinking machine" whatever. We were created for more than that. Not to be animals but to be human; to not only focus on the sexual aspect of life but also the spiritual.
Trying to be an angel is the opposite. These are Christians that only focus on the spiritual and to not indulge in any of the physical gifts from God. These are people that won't ever kiss anyone unless it is their spouse, afraid of touch and affection, afraid to be physically close or do anything physical even if it is a kiss on a check to a friend on their wedding night. This extreme is just as harmful as the animal extreme and again, humans were not created for this. We're not angels, we're humans with both the spiritual and physical.
The funny thing is that the thing that is considered a sin the animal extreme, when people seek out physical pleasures only such as sex before marriage, drinking alcohol, eating gluttonously, being lazy and doing nothing all the time, etc. This is what the generally opinion of the church thinks is sinful. It is but they are also missing the other extreme, the angel extreme which is just as sinful, just as destructive, just as harmful. You barely hear any sermons about that; about how avoiding physical affection in a relationship will definitely cause a division and ultimately harm and how it is sinful. Why is it sinful? Because we weren't created to be angels nor animals, but to be human. To have a relationship with God and with each other and to enjoy the physical gifts that God has given when God intended them to happen for instance to have sex when married. For I believe that when you're in a dating relationship or married it is the physical/sexual pleasures that shows and celebrates the spiritual, the relationship. But that's just me, the book it's interesting, I didn't agree with everything in it but thought this chapter was pretty interesting and right on.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Two Face

Ah the Two Face. The Infamous villain of Batman with literally two faces and a copper coin. The Two Face, or I should say, Harvey Dent was the youngest law attorney to ever serve Gotham City. During one trail against a notorious crime lord, Sal "Boss" Maroni, he presented the court with Maroni's two-headed coin with Maroni's fingerprints on it; irrevocably evidence for Maroni's imminent doom. Thus, Maroni in his rage threw a bottle of sulfuric acid onto Dents left hand and the left side of his face. Due to his hideous appearance he scratched one side of the two headed coin and has flipped this coin to decide if he will work for evil or for good. I like how it takes a coin flip toss to decide if he will work for good or evil; he doesn't seem to have very strong beliefs if that is the case.
So Why Batman? Well, I'm not really a Batman fan. I do put him above Superman but below Spiderman in ranking of my favorite Superheros. So Two Face, probably know where this is going. Yup, two face people in the modern world today. I've had several conversations with people about their interaction with two face people; people who claim to be one way in a setting and completely different in another or says one thing that they believe and turns around and does the opposite. I will label such persons as morphers; someone who morphs according the setting around them. Now it seems to me that morphers morph between settings and people because the beliefs they supposedly believe in aren't strong enough for them to act accordingly to those beliefs. Or they really don't believe in it and that's why they act the opposite. These morphers, or two face people or fake (i'm going to include gossiping in this cuz that is the main activity of morphers), hurt a lot of people that they interact with. Some do it meaningfully and others do it with out knowing. Now the biggest example I can see for morphers are sadly some Christians at least those are the ones I have come to know, pretty well. I think such fakeness is disgusting and pathetic and it hurts those you are fake too. Because believe it or not they might just like you for who you are. But that's a wee risk you have to take with any friendship and oh man, if you try to be fake in a deep dating relationship God help you. That is the worst time to be fake. Now I can understand where being a morpher comes from, you're afraid of being rejected, you want to be accepted, you want to have friends or be liked or whatever. But as a Christian none of those things should hold true. Why? Because the God does not reject you, accepts you for who you are, is the best "friend" you could ever have and not only loves you but likes you a ton! More than any one you know. So just be yourself. Stand up for what you believe in. Don't go live a double standard life because that hurts people and turns them away from such good communities like IV and Church. Now everyone is a hypocrite sometime in their lives but to be one ALL the time is unacceptable. That is one thing that I want to try and root out of IV that and gossip which is a HUGE problem in IV which is downright pathetic and abhorrent. How are new IVers going to feel when they see some people gossiping about other people in IV or see people being fake to one another? Their going to walk right out the door without even giving the real purpose of IV a chance, the real gift that IV can provide: community. Real community, now it doesn't have to be everyone in IV, it could be like 3 people or so, which is like me, but real community. That is why I like IV so much, that is why I still continue to participate in it and do activities like chuck fruit chews at kids with flyers on them ;) Because I want them to find the community that I found and still have, at IV. And being fake or a morpher will definitely turn people away from that, not just freshmen but even seniors and I'm not down with that. But I try to see past the fakeness and see what is driving them to morph. Can I change them? No, I believe only God can do that, but I can help them or at least be the change that I want to see. In otherwise not be fake, nor gossip.

Tonight is IV's first night of the year or I should say CRASH. Last night we went to the area right outside Webb and did some propaganda. I would have to say that if you see a Big COME CRASH WITH IV, that would be by me. Yeah, I know, perfection at its greatest. Naw, I'm just joshing with ya, cuz if i was serious I would be fake.

Friday, August 24, 2007

I don't want to grow up, I'm a Toys'R'Us kid.....

Right now, I hate growing up. I hate being a "grown up". Having to pay for bills, pay for groceries, worry about the next meal, plan the next meal, cooking the meals (I love cooking but am not very good at it and so it can get frustrating), worry about money, the car, gas, the next paycheck, books, tuition, next semester, next summer, next year, two years from now, my life in the future and everything else "grown ups" worry about. What defines a grown up? If it is someone that is living on their own, detached from their parents, above 18 and pays housing, feeding, and car bills then I am more of a grown up than some friends who are older than me. But I don't think that is the only thing that defines a grown up although you do learn a lot from such pains and mature quite a bit. Although I've been making some inappropriate comments about it saying I'm too poor for this or pointing out how someone is richer than I am which is definitely NOT needed, does NOT help, and makes everyone in the room feel awkward. You can't help what status you're born into. And yeah, money doesn't buy everything but can make life a lot easier. Sure would make buying books easier since they are so freaking expensive :) ahhh, the pains of a college student but there is really no reason to complain because there is always someone worse off than you that is thinking the same thought that you had towards someone who is of better status. Anyways, moving on, this picture was taken at my sister's wedding last year in November; don't know why I chose this one but it just stood out. I guess the fact that it is less and less often that our family gets together, the original 6 excluding husbands, which is apart of growing up. And you know, that's just life. In this aspect growing up sucks, cuz I don't get to see my family as often. The same can be applied to friends. You grow up, you move away, you talk less and less, you don't feel like you fit in any more, they've replaced you with other friends, you disconnect and everything that your friendship was built on came crumbling down, slowly at first and then crashing as time goes on. You know, that's just life too. I mean one can't be too bitter about it because the less you are around someone, the less you interact with them, the less you guys really talk, hang out and enjoy one another's company so you start to drift towards people around you that usually are very similar to that friend that is far away and that is where the replacement takes place. Unless that friendship is a true friendship where it stays no matter how far away the people are, but those are extremely rare, and a only a few lucky ones get to experience that. But that's life, life is a highway, a one way highway. So I've concluded that being a small group leader I should not get too attached to the people in it, be friends and be there for them but not attached; it'll be better that, healthier. That way I can focus on what's important, mostly school since that's why I'm at ODU in the first place: to get an education.
yeah, kind of a downer post but eh it happens. Today was really fun which is odd to be in a somewhat downer mood after it all. Late at night gets you thinking, that and i guess chic flicks and observations but eh, it's about growing up. That's just life.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

You Might Die Trying

Concerts make you a wee bit obsessed with the group you saw so naturally, after seeing the DMB concert last week I've been listening to mostly all Dave with a few songs from my childhood in there somewhere. So my two favorite songs of their's is this blog's title and Grey Street. I really like how they sound. So Grey Street is about this lady who keeps to herself with no connections at all to people who lives on "grey street" funny, since that is the song's name. And her life sucks cuz she is lonely and empty and "all the colors mix together to grey" (whatever that means) and it breaks her heart. Well she prays to God and feels like God's not listening and feels even more alone and then a stalker comes up to her door (which I perceive as Satan) because basically this stalker tells her lies and to pursue something fake and that will take the courage out of her, basically fill the hole of emptiness with anything except the one thing that will fit. By the end of the song she has not changed and still broken hearted. A sad song to an up tempo beat.
You Might Die Trying is about change and how you can be the change that what to see. That just moving forward is change however small that change may seem, it is still progress to something greater (being a christian , I'm biased and relate this to Christ but it can be taken any way you want) and one verse I like is "When you give, you begin to Live" which i find to be true. Cuz when you give you put others first and yourself last. And besides Jesus taught that a lot and I heard it would be a good idea to follow His teachings. But that's just a rumor I heard ;) I hope you get a chance to hear at least these two songs because they're really good. And the Christmas Song which is all about Christ so that one is really good too. Alright I'm out.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

T.U.L.I.P. , The Five Points of Calvinistic Faith

TULIP, the mnemonic for Calvinistic faith.

T= Total Depravity
U= Unconditional Election
L= Limited Atonement
I= Irresistible Grace
P= Perseverance of the Saints

T = Total Depravity which is essentially original sin. Because of the fall of man everyone is enslaved to sin, can not love God with all of their whole mind, heart, and strength, unable to choose to accept salvation. For Calvinistic theology this leads straight into point number two, Unconditional Election because people can not choose God, God has to predestine who will be saved and who will not be. Supporting Passages: Genesis 6:5, Ecclesiastes 9:3, John 3:19

U= Unconditional Election
Before the dawn of time God choose to save some people for His own purposes and not based on any conditions such as merit or faith of those persons. This is linked to predestination with some being predestined to be saved whom will receive mercy while those not chosen to be saved with receive justice. Calvinists do not who are apart of the elect and for all they know God could have elected everyone, thus: they seek to do missions and to work on God's behalf to "find" more of the elect. Supporting Passages: John 15:16, Romans 9:15-16, Ephesians 1:11

L= Limited Atonement
Jesus died for sins of the elect by replacing himself in man's stead. Since it would be unjust for God to save some people from their sins and then condemn them for those sins, those who are atoned must be saved and since God has elected those whom will be saved Jesus died for those who were chosen to be saved. The atonement however is not limited in its power to vanquish all sin but that is was designed for some and not for all.

I= Irresistible Grace
The Holy Spirit will overcome any resistance and make God's will and influence effective and irresistible. The "saving grace of God" is applied to the elect, overcoming all resistance to making them obey the call of the gospel and a faith in Christ that will bring about salvation. Those who seek salvation do not do so by their own free will but because of the "sovereign discriminating grace of God. Supporting Passages: Romans 8:28,30

P= Perseverance of the Saints
"Once saved, Always saved". Those who are truly saved will never fall away from God but if they do then they were never truly saved in the first place. Supporting passages: John10:28-29, Romans 11:29, Romans 5:9-10

If I could give a summary it would be something like this: God chose who would be saved and Christ died to save only them and because they are truly saved they will never fall away and will submit to God's calling without resistance. To me, this theology emphasizes God's power, glory, and sovereignty and less of his love, mercy, and grace. This theology also undermines God's choice to give humankind freewill. Finally this theology is based on absolutes with no gray area allowed which results, as I've been told, to a more "freeing and less guilty" kind of faith. But if misunderstood can lead to a very lazy faith.
Now I believe that not one theology has it all right nor is complete because we have to remember that we are imperfect beings trying to comprehend the perfect Being through categories and theologies that He does not fit in and far surpasses. However, that is how we work and understand through categories so such theologies and categories are necessary for us to try and understand. For that is what we are trying to do, understand, for we will never truly understand God and Jesus until the day we meet Them.
As I've said I've been doing a lot of this theology searching this summer and quite frankly I'm downright frustrated with it all and just want to give up but some reason I feel I need to go through with this, don't know why. I get frustrated because I feel like I have to fit my beliefs, which is my prespective on God and Christ, into these categorized theologies whether it be Calvinism, Arminianism, Methodism, Baptist-ism, etc. and I feel like I have to agree with other people's beliefs whether it be my family to friends I feel like if I disagree they'll disown me forever; yeah, I know stupid fear but it's there and reading articles that say the church you grew up in is heresy and wayward doesn't help either. So I'll be writing another article on Arminianism which is most of what Methodism comes from which is the church I grew up in and finally I will write one more where I list what i agree and disagree with from these theologies and what I've come to believe in my experience with Christ and God and what my faith has turned out to be based on what God has revealed to me. I'm not really doing this for you but more for me, to get some kind of clarity on what I believe, why I believe it, and is it based on biblical passages. It's more of 'let me write it down so I can get all straightened out' because it is just eating me up inside and making me really frustrated at myself and at God for just not making it clear. I would love to hear what you think so feel free to leave comments or just talk to me in person about it but I won't be surprised if both don't happen. Happy Hunting!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

End of Days

Never thought Norfolk could look so nice. So these are the final days of Blacksburg. But they are a good few final days. Tomorrow is chores all morning and afternoon till around 330, in which time, I'm driving out to Floyd (a real country town about an hour way) where my dad works to have some coffee and hang out with him for a few hours and then hopefully that night hang out with some good friends. Tuesday is packing and hanging with the family and then that night I'm having an "End of Summer" cookout at my house with a lot of friends coming over eating good grilled/cookout food and playing volleyball: a good farewell to B-burg for next summer, if all goes well, I'll be in Florida on a NOAA research vessel as an intern. Had an awesome time with the family this past weekend going to MD to visit the GM(grandmother) and last night played RISK, World Domination, for about 6 hours or so with my sister, brother and rents. That was freaking awesome cuz the game was intense with everyone gaining and losing power with me finally taking over the world like the good dictator I am. The other awesome thing was the great conversations we had ranging from joking around a lot to politics, making future plans, God (which my sister asked a lot of questions about and we had a great conversation about that) and dating (which my sister and I talked about which was really good for me; stuff I needed to hear ;) So it was a great time; one last hoorah before everyone went their separate ways. I'm pretty nervous about this upcoming year for several reasons:
  1. Being a small group leader
  2. Classes
  3. Living in the house
But I'm pretty pumped about the three of these things but nervous at the same time; you know being away from home, growing up, paying bills all that jazzy blues. I want to become really involved in a church while at school but not sure where I can do that. The church I usually go to well is Baptist and well, me not being a Baptist, probably won't be allowed to get involved there; that and I'm not a member so I may have to go church searching again but I'll just have to wait and see how God is going to work through me. Also job searching which I have been doing for a few weeks now with an interview on the 20th so I'm praying that goes well. Lots of things to look forward to this year with IV, church, job, playing Halo 3 with my brother when that comes out, the Beach, family plans. Although this will be my first birthday away from the family....oh wait, I lied. Once before in elementary school I went to Patrol Officer camp and that was the first time. Kind of weird but all apart of the growing up journey.

OH! anybody know any good speakers to buy for the computer? Now that I have a desk and my own room I've been wanting a good set of speakers since my labtop ones suck but if anyone knows of any good kinds let me know. Until NOFO, this is goodbye :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Something to Think About

It's funny how the image of God is the image of the Greek god, Zeus. Interesting. Here's a sermon to read and think about as it gives valid points on Christian theology.

"In discussions of Christian theology, people most often frame their concept of God with Greek philosophical categories such as omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Such verbiage is understandable and many Biblical passages prompt one to describe God in such terms. Nonetheless it is helpful to maintain a distinction between the classical Greek philosophical tradition(s) and Biblical theology. Classical Greek philosophical language help to capture attributes of God; however, I would suggest that the God of the Biblical text is much more dynamic and complex than what it reflected in what I would regard as static or absolute terms. I am always surprised by the God I encounter in the Biblical text and this God is portrayed as acting in the world in unexpected ways. The notion of a messiah who lives as a servant and then suffers a humiliating death on the cross was and continues to be a shocking understanding (I fear that our familiarity with the story diminishes our appreciation for this dynamic). the notion of resurrection was and continues to be a shocking understanding (in this regard, it is important to understand the Biblical notion of resurrection rather than collapsing it into the Greek notion of immortality of the soul). While Biblical theology clearly interfaces with Greco-Roman philosophical traditions/worldviews, they are not the same. Each admittedly influences the other ; however, in the Biblical text, it is primarily a Hebraic worldview that is being given expression in language systems distinct from the origination source (i.e. Hebrew). This naturally created and continues to create confusion in theological understandings. It is helpful to delineate as best as possible the process by which the originating conceptual framework is re-appropriated into secondary worldviews (i.e. the Greco-Roman worldview). There is admittedly ambiguity in this sort of analysis and I would suggest application of the critical rule. The critical rule assumes that the most difficult understanding is likely the most original. It is based on the assumption that people typical attempt to make things easier to understand rather than more difficult.

While it is helpful to describe God as omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, it is nevertheless insufficient. While God can be described as "all knowing," it would limit the very nature of God to conclude that God already knows every detail of present and future reality as it will unfold. The claim that God is "all knowing" in a Biblical conceptual framework does not claim that all history is already known to God and is simply following the script. In the Biblical text, God is portrayed as changing the way God relates to the creation based on events as well as human response(s). God is "all knowing " in terms of knowing what God has resolved will ultimately be (teleology in Greek traditions!) and the Biblical text reveals a God determined to see that the intentions of creation come to fruition despite the rebellion and sin of the created order( primarily humanity although there could be some conversation regarding natural disaster). The concern that the Greek philosophical categories denote a perfect reality which cannot be expanded is addressed in the Biblical injunction against idolatry. All language is limited, even as it seeks to express the infinite, and thus cannot be employed as restrictive descriptors. At its best, language can only partially describe the infinite if the infinite is truly infinite ( assuming that infinite has attributes beyond knowing and thus description). This is the very reason we need revelation to better comprehend and understand God. I personally would never conjecture the God of the Biblical text. Such a God would have to be revealed to me. I continue to struggle with such an understanding of God, but my experience continue to confirm the God revealed in the Biblical text and therefore becomes the most compelling source for shaping my life.

The concern articulated as "open theism" is that such a conceptual understanding of God suggests that God is less than "all knowing" if God does not know the present and the future in every detail. How can God be God if God does not possess such knowledge? The Biblical text places emphasis on the love of God in its primary attribute of God (God as omni-loving: it is instructive to note that the Greeks did not have such a term; it is a peculiar contribution of Biblical theology). The very nature of agape love allows for an open undetermined future while at the same time assuring us an ultimate outcome (i.e., redemptive) which will find fulfillment at a point in the future. It may also be instructive here to note that the Greek language of the New Testament had distinct future tenses characterized as future active, future middle, and future passive. Ancient languages are much more nuanced than modern languages. Remember the critical rule observes how people tend to make explanation simpler rather than more complex and the same observation applies to the history of language. A comparison of King James English with modern English suffices as a more familiar example. We use a depleted modern language to understand a much more complex tradition. While the concern of "open theism" claims to safeguard against limiting God, my concern with such theological understandings (admittedly offered with genuine sincerity) is that they do the very thing they seek to avoid. They limit an understanding of God."- Pastor Reggie Tuck

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

The title of this blog is the "slogan" for the Methodist church although if you came to the church I go to here you probably would not think that. But like any other church it has its flaws but is still doing great works for God, still bringing people closer to God, and God is definitely working through it. It's interesting how He chooses to use the most messed up of people to do His work like Mary Magdalene or Saul who becomes Paul. I had lunch with my pastor again yesterday and have you ever had that feeling of dread like you don't want to go because it'll be awkward or you won't have anything to say? Well, I was feeling that and was just like we're not going to have anything to talk on the way I was trying to think of conversations to start so we won't be sitting in silence. Word of advice, don't do that. Never works. So I get to his office and I ask him where we're are going to lunch and he says Wendy's with the most serious look on his face. I guess you have to know him but he's pretty sarcastic and jokes around a lot but in a subtle way so if you're not paying attention you won't get it. After that introduction I knew that this was right where I needed to be and right where I wanted to be and all feelings of dread and fear were gone. It's interesting how God works right in midst of our own fears and doubts when we doubt ourselves He doesn't doubt what we can do for Him. So lunch commences and we start talking about everyday life stuff and joking around. Then we get into deep theology conversation discussing about God as He is described in the Greek philosophical categories and how dangerous that can be if all we do is think God is what those categories describe instead of thinking that God is those things but so much more than that. The conversation includes freewill and how that ties in with God being all-knowing and what that looks like, different theologies of different demoninations, some sermons he wrote and tons of other stuff. I learned a lot from that talk and some questions that I had about God that were getting me kind of frustrated I am now thinking about with another's perspective, what makes sense and what I believe. I would love to talk to you about this in more detail as a blog can't contain the content of what we talked about nor the emotion that comes with it. So lunch ends and we go back to his office and he prays for me and gave me some of the nicest compliments I have ever heard especially coming from some one who is so much older than me and who is my pastor. I think I'll remember that afternoon for a long time. After talking to him always gets me fired up to read some scripture and dive into theology; the trick for me is to be just as fired up by myself. Just when you think you know all there is to know about God, He throws a curve ball and surprises the heck out of you. It's dangerous thinking to think that your faith is great where it is and doesn't need to grow anymore. Here is a question for you, does God know what is going to happen to you in say 15 years from now? hmmm.......

Monday, August 6, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows






eh, whatever, your choice.

I finished this book at around 1 or 2 am on Saturday morning after coming home from work and talking to some peeps online and man, it's my favorite out of the series. It is the most action packed; from the very beginning two characters die. It took me a week to read, Yeah I know slow to some, but it was very enjoyable and I got sucked into the world of Harry Potter once again which is always a fun experience. I'm mainly writing this blog for those of you who want's to know what is going on but don't want to read the book, which is really lame but your loss, so basically since there are like 3 readers to my blog and I only know of one who won't read these books but still wants to know what happens, this blog is for you.

First off Voldemort has control of half of the Ministry of Magic and has been killing and hunting down those that resist him. So book starts off with Harry at his Aunt's and Uncle's house who are now leaving for safety for Voldemort will surely go after them because they are related to Harry. As they are leaving, their son Dudley who has hated Potter all these years doesn't want Harry to leave, actually doesn't think Harry is a "waste of space" and shows some compassion. Talk about not expecting that one but that was cool. So Harry is then transported to a safer place but gets ambushed by Death Eaters and Voldemort himself and these group kills Mad Eye Moody and Hedwig. George gets his ear blown off but everyone arrives safely at the Weaslely house. So they have a wedding for Ron's eldest brother and his fiancee which is ruined by Death Eaters who by then had killed the Ministry of Magic and has gained complete control of the one government that governs the wizarding World. The Death Eaters pop out of nowhere in the middle of the wedding which sends Harry, Hermoine and Ron on their journey to destroy Horcruxes and later, to find the Deathly Hallows.

So they are on the chase dogdeing Death Eaters left and right, having to invade the Ministry, Invade Gringotts which is the wizarding bank which no one can break into but these three gangstas did and fly out on a blind dragon to destroy Horcruxes which are cursed trinkets with pieces of Voldemort's soul in them which keeps him a live when is physical form has gone. Ron, in the middle of this leaves Harry and Hermoine after having a huge blow out with both of them,(you know despair, lack of plan, no comfortable food or housing plus a cursed trinket can really get to your head) but he comes back, like a good best friend would do, to finish the quest. All the while you are learning more and more about characters that have died in the past including harry's parents and Dumbledore.

So their search finally takes them to Hogwarts to find the last of two Horcruxes but finds out that Hogwarts is controlled by the Death Eaters as Snape being Head Master. But all the other teachers are still there. So they overthrow Snape and defeat the other two Death Eaters and evacuate the students except those who decided to stay and fight for the Dark Lord has learned of Potter's quest is now seeking him out more than ever and arrives at Hogwarts with his army, ready for battle. So the best battle of the series takes place at his old school. On the good side was the Weasley family, all the teachers, Hagrid and his kid brother Grawp the giant, the Order of the Phoenix, Neville's grandmother, all of Harry's friends, Lupin and Tonks (who are married and have a baby boy named Teddy). So the battle commences with Death Eaters, Giants, giant spiders and dementors fighting the good side with huge magical duels and fighting and all that goodness. It was really exciting to be reading it and just my imagination was having a field day. It was awesome reading this part but also nerve racking because you don't want all your favorite characters to die. So Voldemort calls for a stand still for Harry to come out and give himself up so his friends won't die.

By this time he sees that Lupin, Tonks, Fred Weasley, Creevy, have all died with 50 other students and teachers. So he goes to give himself up to save those he loves and arrives at the Death Eater camp and Voldemort "kills" him with the killing curse. But he doesn't die, see the his mother's enchantment still holds strong (which is love) and keeps him from dieing just like when he was a baby. So Voldemort thinks Harry is dead and shows all the good side people in Hogwarts his body until Harry reveals he is not dead and then him and Voldemort have a talking duel and then Harry casts the killing curse which then back fires and kills himself instead. Harry marries Ginny and has kids, Ron a nd Hermoine have kids and they live happily ever after. My next blog will be about Dumbledore and Harry's friendship as it is tested and explained in more detail in this final book and it is one I can kind of relate to in Harry's position.

They better put the huge battle at Hogwarts in the movie.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Work Ethic

It seems very people at Wendy's have any work ethic at all. Usually I don't care but when I have to be called in several times a week on my days off because people decided they didn't want to show up for work with no call or indication they weren't going to show up, I get a little irritated and rightly so. I could just easily say I'm unavailable to work or just not answer the phone when they call, like everyone else does (my brother included) but I can't leave them stranded when their short like 5 people and need help desperately. today was one of those works days I got called in to work because decided not to show up. Oh well, I can use the pay in overtime. But come on. This is your job. You get payed to do crap that is really physically demanding, although it is plenty draining, so grow up stop having a terrible, childish attitude and do your job. I mean I try to give my 100% at work because that is what I'm being payed for: doing my job at the best of my abilities. Granted it's only Wendy's but still, it's a job that needs to be done. If not how can hundreds of obese people feed? They would go hungry and lose some weight (God forbid!). Or they would have to cook their own meals for once. NOt that!!!! DISASTER!! Oh well, hopefully they can learn some more work ethic and do a better job and stop having people covering for them because they're lazy. That is a hope I have. Plus, I be better prepared when I have a better job to not slack off ever. There's a plus. Now for some Potter....

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Weekenders

I haven't been so sick of Busch Gardens in my life. I went to Norfolk this past weekend and all three days we were there went to Busch. 6 hours on Friday, 5 on Saturday and 5 on Sunday before driving home. We rode Apollo's a ton because there was practically no line when we went. Did the Griffon too which is always fun, even in the third row. On Friday we wanted to save some bucks and eat dinner outside the park, oh and I saw Jason and Ashley there which was pretty weird. So we ate dinner at around 11:00 at IHOP in Norfolk and let me tell you, I don't think I could ever fast. That was the worst feeling of hunger I have ever felt. Although I can't complain because I did get a meal in eventually when there are people who feel the same kind of hunger but they don't get a meal in the end. So Saturday we woke up, ate poptarts and fudge cakes for breakfast and hit up Busch again. This time I saw Ryan Weber and Jessica M. and Melissa Nac. and yeah, talk about random. Good to see them though. Saturday we became experts on how t0 ride Apollo's with the most air, if you come with me the next time I go I will show you our secrets. It's pretty scary but loads of fun. Just know where you're going if you happen to fall out and die. We saw a friend's play who works at Busch which would be great for little kids but kind of sucked for older persons. But he acted great. Then did some little rides and improvised for fun. There was some ride in Italy that was a thrill ride and it was in a cart, spun you in a loop and the fun part was to try and not let the momentum push you to the outside. HOLY CRAP it is freaking hard. Also rode Corkscrew hill without the seat belts and hands which is completely different ride altogether. Again, if you come with me I will show you. Loads of fun though. Then it started to thunderstorms so we were like let's hit up the beach while it's storming cuz that's when there will be big waves. So we get to Norfolk, I get lost on the way which happened a lot when driving them around....pretty embarrassing, eat some Moe's, get the trunks and hit the beach. We swim in darkness for about an hour and then hit up the strip on the Beach where all the people are because they've never really been to something like that and wanted to go. Very sleazy that place is but it's to be expected. So we get back and visit Katie and Yannick while they were watching Fight Club.....dunno what to make of that yet. So that night we camped out in the living room just joking around while my neighbors were having a great time cussing and talking very loudly about how white girls are f-ing this or f-ing that. It was scary, seeing their heads' shadows through my windows. So we hit up Busch again on Sunday before leaving for B-burg which is when I got my first ticket. All in all, this trip was really fun and these guys are really funny to be around. They are awesome at improvising for fun and can turn the most boring of rides into the funnest of attractions. I didn't quite get their inside jokes, which there was a lot of, but they didn't mind explaining it which didn't help anyways but they were still funny when said in certain circumstances. These guys are pretty close bunch being around each other all year round and hanging out a lot, a group I'm not really in, but I didn't feel too much of an outsider which was nice. But their up for visiting which would be really cool since their humor is unlike anyone else's and is really funny if you know them. But I think I'll go to Busch one last time and that will be it. I know I've gone more times than people that actually live there. That's pretty good for being 5 hours away. Off being a nerd......