Monday, August 6, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows






eh, whatever, your choice.

I finished this book at around 1 or 2 am on Saturday morning after coming home from work and talking to some peeps online and man, it's my favorite out of the series. It is the most action packed; from the very beginning two characters die. It took me a week to read, Yeah I know slow to some, but it was very enjoyable and I got sucked into the world of Harry Potter once again which is always a fun experience. I'm mainly writing this blog for those of you who want's to know what is going on but don't want to read the book, which is really lame but your loss, so basically since there are like 3 readers to my blog and I only know of one who won't read these books but still wants to know what happens, this blog is for you.

First off Voldemort has control of half of the Ministry of Magic and has been killing and hunting down those that resist him. So book starts off with Harry at his Aunt's and Uncle's house who are now leaving for safety for Voldemort will surely go after them because they are related to Harry. As they are leaving, their son Dudley who has hated Potter all these years doesn't want Harry to leave, actually doesn't think Harry is a "waste of space" and shows some compassion. Talk about not expecting that one but that was cool. So Harry is then transported to a safer place but gets ambushed by Death Eaters and Voldemort himself and these group kills Mad Eye Moody and Hedwig. George gets his ear blown off but everyone arrives safely at the Weaslely house. So they have a wedding for Ron's eldest brother and his fiancee which is ruined by Death Eaters who by then had killed the Ministry of Magic and has gained complete control of the one government that governs the wizarding World. The Death Eaters pop out of nowhere in the middle of the wedding which sends Harry, Hermoine and Ron on their journey to destroy Horcruxes and later, to find the Deathly Hallows.

So they are on the chase dogdeing Death Eaters left and right, having to invade the Ministry, Invade Gringotts which is the wizarding bank which no one can break into but these three gangstas did and fly out on a blind dragon to destroy Horcruxes which are cursed trinkets with pieces of Voldemort's soul in them which keeps him a live when is physical form has gone. Ron, in the middle of this leaves Harry and Hermoine after having a huge blow out with both of them,(you know despair, lack of plan, no comfortable food or housing plus a cursed trinket can really get to your head) but he comes back, like a good best friend would do, to finish the quest. All the while you are learning more and more about characters that have died in the past including harry's parents and Dumbledore.

So their search finally takes them to Hogwarts to find the last of two Horcruxes but finds out that Hogwarts is controlled by the Death Eaters as Snape being Head Master. But all the other teachers are still there. So they overthrow Snape and defeat the other two Death Eaters and evacuate the students except those who decided to stay and fight for the Dark Lord has learned of Potter's quest is now seeking him out more than ever and arrives at Hogwarts with his army, ready for battle. So the best battle of the series takes place at his old school. On the good side was the Weasley family, all the teachers, Hagrid and his kid brother Grawp the giant, the Order of the Phoenix, Neville's grandmother, all of Harry's friends, Lupin and Tonks (who are married and have a baby boy named Teddy). So the battle commences with Death Eaters, Giants, giant spiders and dementors fighting the good side with huge magical duels and fighting and all that goodness. It was really exciting to be reading it and just my imagination was having a field day. It was awesome reading this part but also nerve racking because you don't want all your favorite characters to die. So Voldemort calls for a stand still for Harry to come out and give himself up so his friends won't die.

By this time he sees that Lupin, Tonks, Fred Weasley, Creevy, have all died with 50 other students and teachers. So he goes to give himself up to save those he loves and arrives at the Death Eater camp and Voldemort "kills" him with the killing curse. But he doesn't die, see the his mother's enchantment still holds strong (which is love) and keeps him from dieing just like when he was a baby. So Voldemort thinks Harry is dead and shows all the good side people in Hogwarts his body until Harry reveals he is not dead and then him and Voldemort have a talking duel and then Harry casts the killing curse which then back fires and kills himself instead. Harry marries Ginny and has kids, Ron a nd Hermoine have kids and they live happily ever after. My next blog will be about Dumbledore and Harry's friendship as it is tested and explained in more detail in this final book and it is one I can kind of relate to in Harry's position.

They better put the huge battle at Hogwarts in the movie.


Andrew said...

I'm really glad that I read the book before reading your version. There's so much you didn't add, which is understnadbale because you're not here to re-write the book. I don't think it was the best in the series, but it was still really good. I have my complaints with it, but I'm sure we'll talk about it at a later date. The worst part of the whole book though was when Dobby died :(. Broke my heart!

Andrew said...

It's my favorite. I also forgot to add that Snape died but is actually good in the end and has been following Dumbledore's plan since the very beginning.

Andrew said...

haha you don't need to tell me, I read it haha. But yea, I was glad about that resolution.